
Showing posts with the label furnace check up

Basic Gas Furnace Safety Tips

 Basic Gas Furnace Safety Tips Natural gas is also the most popular type of home furnace, accounting for nearly half of all residential furnaces in the US. Gas furnaces are great if you’d like a more cost-efficient and even heating system, but they also come with their own set of safety issues.  Here’s are ways to keep your gas furnace functioning safely, and when it might be best to contact a professional. Schedule a furnace cleaning and check-up to be performed yearly by a technician. Request that s/he checks for cracks in the combustion chamber, as these cracks could allow carbon monoxide to leak into your home. This should be done before winter starts. Change the air filter regularly. Dust particles can build-up on the furnace’s air filter and reduce efficient airflow and heating capabilities, as well becoming a fire-hazard or furnace failure potential in extreme instances of neglect. The air filter is usually located inside the front cover of your furnace, and should be c...

9 1/2 tips for your gas furnace McDonough

  Furnace repair in Mcdonough 1. Choose the best furnace for your needs Choosing a furnace can be a big decision but Heating Specialties can help you find the best option for your family. Gas furnaces are a little more expensive, but they’re more efficient and are reliable for 15 to 30 years. Oil furnaces are generally cheaper to purchase and install, but oil prices can fluctuate, with lower efficiency and require more expensive maintenance. 2. Schedule a regular maintenance Whether you have a gas or oil furnace, we recommend keeping up with regular maintenance on your system for the best efficiency and performance. At Heating Specialties, we suggest scheduling a furnace maintenance tune-up at least every fall before heavy use in the winter. 3. Change your HVAC filter regularly One DIY way to keep your furnace running at top efficiency is by checking and changing your HVAC filter often. We recommend that homeowners check and change their air filter every 30-60 days. 4. Install carb...

Change your filter

  Your home's air filter removes dust, allergens and more from the air passing through the  system. You must replace these lightweight cardboard-and-wire constructs regularly. After six months or so, that filter becomes so choked with dirt that air has a tough time getting through, and the unit can't really do its job anymore. That not only increases the dust in your home, it greatly decreases airflow for your air conditioning unit.  You can improve energy use for your air conditioner by five to 15 percent just by replacing a dirty filter. So make sure you install a new filter a couple of times a year. And remember to check and change it after particularly dusty activities, like cleaning ductwork, a big demolition or refinishing a wood floor.