
22 year old fan on ac

This air conditioner fan is 22 years old the unit was pretty bad we recommended replacement but they couldn't get a new one. After replacing the motor it took an acid wash ,a contactor and some freon but its on and running now. Air conditioner repair Mcdonough,Stockbridge,Locust grove aaac service heating and air 7708754113 Rod

Memorial day air conditioning repair

Were open Memorial Day for residential heating and cooling a/c repair in Mcdonough, Stockbridge, Locust Grove and Jackson Rod Dandelion.mid

R22 leak ac repair Mcdonough

The white stuff is a leak its hard to find them. Coil replaced to fix.

Bad filter/ air conditioner repair

If your filter is shreded you waited to long to change it. It can get sucked into the motor and burn it out. Air conditioner check ups. Aaac service heating and air 3027 Keeneland blvd Mcdonough Ga 30252 7708754113. Mcdonough, Stockbridge and all of Henry county residential air conditioner repair. Rod

Ice on ac

If there is ice on the ac the coil is frozen turn it off. The drain wont work with ice in coil the melting ice will fill your emergency pan. If you are lucky it wont over flow. You are low on freon or have a dirty filter. This one had a bad fan motor no air flow same thing the dirty filter does. Aaac service heating and air 3027 Keeneland blvd Mcdonough ga 7708754114 air conditioning repair in henry county. Rod